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JSPlot API reference: Graph axis options

JSPlot_Axis class: API reference

Instances of the JSPlot_Axis class are used to configure the axes associated with a graph. You should never normally need to instantiate this class yourself, since axes are already instantiated by the JSPlot_Graph class. However, you can configure the settingsassociated with each axis by passing the appropriate settings to the JSPlot_Graph instance.

my_axis = new JSPlot_Axis(graph, axis_name, enabled, settings);

Argument Allowed values Description
graph JSPlot_Graph instance

The graph that this axis is to be associated with.

axis_name String

The name of this axis. Possibilities are x1, x2, y1, y2, z1 or z2.

enabled Boolean

Boolean flag indicating whether this axis is in use.

settings Associative array An associative array of configuration options. Allowed key values are listed below.

Allowed configuration parameters within the settings array are as follows:

Field Allowed values Description
arrowType String String indicating the kinds of arrowhead to place on the axis. Options are: none – No arrowhead (default), single – An arrow on the upper end of the axis, double – An arrow on both ends of the axis.
atZero Boolean Not implemented.
dataType String Indicates the type of data to be plotted along the axis – either numeric or timestamp. In the latter case, data should be supplied as (numeric) Unix timestamps, but will be rendered as dates and times.
enabled Boolean Boolean indicating whether this axis is in use.
label String The text label to write next to this axis.
labelRotate Number A rotation to apply to the label written next to this axis (degrees). Default: 0
linkTo Array of two strings This setting is used to allow two axes – usually on different graphs, but on the same plotting canvas – to vary in lock-step. This is useful, for example, if two graphs are showing different data side-by-side, but need to have the same vertical scale. The first string in the array should be the name of the graph in the array of items in the canvas, and the second should be the name of the axis to link to within that graph. For an example, see here.
log Boolean Boolean indicating whether this axis is logarithmically spaced. Default: false
min Number The lower-limit for the range of this axis. If left null, the axis will automatically scale to fit the supplied data.
max Number The upper-limit for the range of this axis. If left null, the axis will automatically scale to fit the supplied data.
mirror Boolean Boolean indicating whether this axis should be duplicated on the opposite side of the graph.
rangeReversed Boolean Boolean indicating whether this axis should have be flipped relative to its usual orientation, with higher values on the left/bottom of the axis. Default: false
scrollEnabled Boolean Boolean indicating whether this axis should scroll when the user clicks and drags the graph (providing that the interactiveMode setting on the JSPlot_Graph instance is also set to pan). Default: false
scrollMin Number The lower-limit for the possible range of this axis, when being scrolled by the user. If left null, the user will be able to scroll the axis indefinitely far to the left.
scrollMax Number The upper-limit for the possible range of this axis, when being scrolled by the user. If left null, the user will be able to scroll the axis indefinitely far to the right.
scrollSpan Number The span of this axis, from left to right, when being panned by the user.
showLabels Boolean Boolean indicating whether this axis should have numerical labels placed along it. Default: true
tickLabelRotation Number Specify an arbitrary rotation to apply to the tick labels written along this axis (degrees). Default: 0
ticksMinor Assocative array Configure the minor (small, unlabelled) tick markers placed along the axis. The allowed settings are listed below.
ticks Assocative array Configure the major (larger, labelled) tick markers placed along the axis. The allowed settings are listed below.
visible Boolean Boolean indicating whether this axis should be visible, or invisible. Default: true
zoomEnabled Boolean Boolean indicating whether this axis should zoom when the user scrolls the scroll-wheel, or uses a pinch gesture on a touchscreen device. Default: true
JSPlot_AxisTics class

The following configuration parameters can be passed in an associative array to the ticks and ticksMinor settings of JSPlot_Graph instances:

Field Allowed values Description
ticDir String Not implemented
tickList Array of [Number, String] An array of manually-placed ticks to render along this axis. Each tick is specified by an array containing the numerical position of the tick, followed by the label to place next to that tick. Set to null (default) to enabled automatic tick placement.
tickMin Number The numerical value at which to place the leftmost tick along the axis. Set to null (default) to enabled automatic tick placement.
tickMax Number The numerical value at which to place the rightmost tick along the axis. Set to null (default) to enabled automatic tick placement.
tickStep Number The numerical spacing of the ticks along the axis. This should either be a linear spacing (linear axes) or a multiplicative spacing (logarithmic axes). Set to null (default) to enabled automatic tick placement.
